"I've Got a Golden Ticket!"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Writers' Cafe

The Writers' Cafe: "The other thing he taught was some kind of pseudoscientific predictive science which he simply called turkey or chicken. the way this game worked is that you would place your thumb and forefinger around one of these flowering grasses that were everywhere at most descriptively simply looked like wheat. Then he would ask, in his special little kid accent (he had to be maybe 3 or 4 tops) ”turkey or chicken”, I would predict and answer either turkey or chicken and then, he would run his closed finger hold up the shaft of the grain, and it would come up eitther as this short compact little tuft-chicken, or this longer kind of more disorganized tuft, and that would be turkey. Of course there was no money involved in this silly little past time, but we must of done it at least hundreds of times."


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